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Quantity field with Negative values


Hi All,


I need to create Z table to add material wise QTY. In QTY field may be Negative value. So which data type i have to use for QTY data element.

any expert , Pls Advice.





Re: Materials Management Best Practices and Case Studies

Re: DB13 offline backup is failed


Detail log:                    beqtvbof.ffd



BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.20 (8)

BR0055I Start of database backup: beqtvbof.ffd 2015-06-20 22.00.05

BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: /oracle/VEP/sapbackup/beqtvbof.ffd

BR0477I Oracle pfile /oracle/VEP/112_64/dbs/initVEP.ora created from spfile /oracle/VEP/112_64/dbs/spfileVEP.ora

BR0101I Parameters

Name                           Value

oracle_sid                     VEP

oracle_home                    /oracle/VEP/112_64

oracle_profile                 /oracle/VEP/112_64/dbs/initVEP.ora

sapdata_home                   /oracle/VEP

sap_profile                    /oracle/VEP/112_64/dbs/initVEP.sap

backup_mode                    FULL

backup_type                    offline_force

backup_dev_type                disk

backup_root_dir                /backup/sapbackup/production/vep

compress                       no

disk_copy_cmd                  copy

cpio_disk_flags                -pdcu

exec_parallel                  0

system_info                    vepadm/oravep vocprdb1 HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64

oracle_info                    VEP 8192 31478 2040529806 vocprdb101 UTF8 UTF8 2164504702

sap_info                       702 SAPSR3 0002LK0003VEP0011Q18201997610015Maintenance_ORA

make_info                      hpia64 OCI_102 Oct 16 2010

command_line                   brbackup -u / -jid FLGOF20150620220000 -c force -t offline_force -m full -p initVEP.sap -a -c force -p initVEP.s

BR0116I ARCHIVE LOG LIST before backup for database instance VEP

Parameter                      Value

Database log mode              Archive Mode

Automatic archival             Enabled

Archive destination            LOCATION=/oracle/VEP/oraarch/VEParch

Archive format                 %t_%s_%r.dbf

Oldest online log sequence     31475

Next log sequence to archive   31478

Current log sequence           31478            SCN: 2040529806

Database block size            8192             Thread: 1

Current system change number   2040534914       ResetId: 799540990

BR0118I Tablespaces and data files

Tablespace     TS-Status  F-Status  File                                                       Size   Id.     Device  Link    Type       MaxSiz

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1                10003423232    4  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_10/sr3.data10               7853842432   31  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_11/sr3.data11               7769956352   32  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_12/sr3.data12               7769956352   33  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_2/sr3.data2                 9898565632    5  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_3/sr3.data3                 9730793472    6  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_4/sr3.data4                 9730793472    7  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_5/sr3.data5                 9646907392    8  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6                 9583992832    9  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7                 9479135232   10  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8                 7937728512   11  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9                 7853842432   30  1074266114  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata5/sr3_13/sr3.data13               8608817152   35  1074266117  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata5/sr3_14/sr3.data14               8608817152   36  1074266117  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata5/sr3_15/sr3.data15               8608817152   37  1074266117  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata5/sr3_16/sr3.data16               8608817152   40  1074266117  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata5/sr3_17/sr3.data17               8608817152   42  1074266117  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702     ONLINE+    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata3/sr3702_1/sr3702.data1          10485768192   12  1074266115  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702     ONLINE+    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata3/sr3702_2/sr3702.data2           9479135232   13  1074266115  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702     ONLINE+    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata3/sr3702_3/sr3702.data3           7423926272   14  1074266115  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702     ONLINE+    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata3/sr3702_4/sr3702.data4           6752837632   15  1074266115  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702     ONLINE+    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata3/sr3702_5/sr3702.data5           5851062272   16  1074266115  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702     ONLINE+    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata3/sr3702_6/sr3702.data6           5515517952   17  1074266115  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702     ONLINE+    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata3/sr3702_7/sr3702.data7           8357158912   18  1074266115  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_1/sr3702x.data1        10485768192   20  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_10/sr3702x.data10       4244643840   29  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_11/sr3702x.data11       4244643840   39  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_12/sr3702x.data12       4244643840   41  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_2/sr3702x.data2        10485768192   21  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_3/sr3702x.data3        10737426432   22  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1073741824

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_3/sr3702x.data3        10737426432   22  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1073741824

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_4/sr3702x.data4        10737426432   23  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1073741824

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_5/sr3702x.data5        10737426432   24  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1073741824

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_6/sr3702x.data6        10737426432   25  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1073741824

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_7/sr3702x.data7         1073750016   26  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE    107374182

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_8/sr3702x.data8         4244643840   27  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE    424463564

PSAPSR3702X    ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3702x_9/sr3702x.data9         4244643840   28  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE    424463564

PSAPSR3USR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata4/sr3usr_1/sr3usr.data1             73408512   19  1074266116  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata1/temp_1/temp.data1              10485768192   -1  1074266113  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1               8682217472    3  1074266113  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1           1111498752    2  1074266113  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata1/sysaux_2/sysaux.data2           1111498752   38  1074266113  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

SYSTEM         ONLINE*    SYSTEM+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1           1730158592    1  1074266113  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

SYSTEM         ONLINE*    SYSTEM+   /oracle/VEP/sapdata1/system_2/system.data2           1730158592   34  1074266113  NOLINK  FILE   1048576000

BR0119I Redolog files

File                                                Size  Group     Device  Status    Link    Type

/oracle/VEP/origlogA/log_g11m1.dbf              52429824    1   1074135042  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/mirrlogA/log_g11m2.dbf              52429824    1   1074135041  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/origlogB/log_g12m1.dbf              52429824    2   1074135044  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/mirrlogB/log_g12m2.dbf              52429824    2   1074135043  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/origlogA/log_g13m1.dbf              52429824    3   1074135042  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/mirrlogA/log_g13m2.dbf              52429824    3   1074135041  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/origlogB/log_g14m1.dbf              52429824    4   1074135044  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/mirrlogB/log_g14m2.dbf              52429824    4   1074135043  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE

BR0120I Control files

File                                                Size   Id.      Device  Link    Type

/oracle/VEP/origlogA/cntrl/cntrlVEP.dbf         18071552    0   1074135042  NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/origlogB/cntrl/cntrlVEP.dbf         18071552    0   1074135044  NOLINK  FILE

/oracle/VEP/sapdata1/cntrl/cntrlVEP.dbf         18071552    0   1074266113  NOLINK  FILE

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-20 22.00.08

BR0057I Backup of database: VEP

BR0058I BRBACKUP action ID: beqtvbof

BR0059I BRBACKUP function ID: ffd

BR0110I Backup mode: FULL

BR0077I Database files for backup:






BR0061I 48 files found for backup, total size 300921.574 MB

BR0143I Backup type: offline_force

BR0112I Files will not be compressed

BR0130I Backup device type: disk

BR0106I Files will be saved on disk in directory: /backup/sapbackup/production/vep/beqtvbof

BR0289I BRARCHIVE will be started at the end of processing

BR0134I Unattended mode with 'force' active - no operator confirmation allowed

BR0370I Directory /backup/sapbackup/production/vep/beqtvbof created

BR0202I Saving init_ora

BR0203I to /backup/sapbackup/production/vep/VEP ...

BR0202I Saving /oracle/VEP/112_64/dbs/initVEP.sap

BR0203I to /backup/sapbackup/production/vep/VEP ...

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-20 22.00.10

BR0198I Profiles saved successfully

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-20 22.00.10

BR0307I Shutting down database instance VEP ...

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-20 22.00.25

BR0308I Shutdown of database instance VEP successful

BR0202I Saving /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1

BR0203I to /backup/sapbackup/production/vep/beqtvbof/sr3.data1 ...

#FILE..... /oracle/VEP/sapdata2/sr3_1/sr3.data1

#SAVED.... /backup/sapbackup/production/vep/beqtvbof/sr3.data1  #1/1

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-20 22.07.15

BR0063I 1 of 47 files processed - 9540.008 of 300904.340 MB done

BR0204I Percentage done: 3.17%, estimated end time: 1:43

BR0001I **________________________________________________

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.15

BR0330I Starting and mounting database instance VEP ...

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.27

BR0331I Start and mount of database instance VEP successful

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.27

BR0530I Cataloging backups of all database files...

BR0278E Command output of 'SHELL=/bin/sh /oracle/VEP/112_64/bin/rman nocatalog':

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sun Jun 21 01:34:27 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


RMAN> connect target *

connected to target database: VEP (DBID=2164504702, not open)

using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

RMAN> **end-of-file**


host command complete

RMAN> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12> 13> 14> 15> 16> 17> 18> 19> 20> 21> 22> 23> 24> 25> 26> 27> 28> 29> 30> 31> 32> 33> 34> 35> 36> 37> 3

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03009: failure of catalog command on default channel at 06/21/2015 01:34:30

ORA-19625: error identifying file /backup/sapbackup/production/vep/beqtvbof/sr3.data1

ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options

Additional information: 3

Additional information: 2


Recovery Manager complete.

BR0200I BR_TRACE: location BrRmanCall-44, commands for RMAN in: /oracle/VEP/sapbackup/.beqtvbof.cmd


'host '/usr/sap/VEP/SYS/exe/run/brtools -f delete /oracle/VEP/sapbackup/..beqtvbof..cmd';^'

'catalog datafilecopy^'



BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.30

BR0279E Return code from 'SHELL=/bin/sh /oracle/VEP/112_64/bin/rman nocatalog': 1

BR0536E RMAN call for database instance VEP failed

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.30

BR0532E Cataloging backups of all database files failed

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.30

BR0307I Shutting down database instance VEP ...

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.36

BR0308I Shutdown of database instance VEP successful

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.36

BR0304I Starting and opening database instance VEP ...

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.49

BR0305I Start and open of database instance VEP successful

BR0056I End of database backup: beqtvbof.ffd 2015-06-21 01.34.30

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.50

BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.50

BR0291I BRARCHIVE will be started with options '+beqtvbof.ffd -U -jid FLGOF20150620220000  -c force -p initVEP.sap -cds'

BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2015-06-21 01.34.51

BR0292I Execution of BRARCHIVE finished with return code 3

Re: Unexpected Variable on Selection Screen


Hi Volkan,


          Goto RSRTQ T-Code and input the query, you will get a complete definition of query with all details. Find Var A init and remove from query.

          I guess it might be used in any of your RKF OR CKF.

Refer the blog more on RSRTQ




Re: DB13 offline backup is failed


Now, can you please share the complete logs once ?



Re: DB13 offline backup is failed


Hi Biborka,


detailed log file is shared above. Kindly look into it and suggest a solution.




Re: Modify the created/updated date & time for Business Transactions


The mobile apps developed have the capability to run in offline mode as well. So, all the necessary data will be saved locally in the device to be updated to SAP later.

Re: Materials Management Best Practices and Case Studies

Re: C4C SDK Installation


Hello Subhashish,


You need to login into Repository following the instruction mentioned in below steps.




You will find some important documentation on below page. (both online as well as PDF format) they are always updated with new version every quarter.


SAP Cloud Applications Studio – SAP Help Portal Page


Hope this is what will help you not only understand how to connect to test tenant but also every detail that a developer need to know on development.




Re: SAP Fiori - PO Tracking app - acessing Fiori app with RFC user at backend




When you say

see the Purchase Orders which were assigned to him

Where is this assigned? In Backend? If yes, how?


It makes sense to use generic users for internet kind of scenarios. But keep in mind that you need to look at licensing conditions, if you do that in Production. You might have ot go with Gateway volume licensing.


PO Tracking app would definitely would require enhancements for your scenario.




Re: Data Services Designer cannot connect, SDK failure


Perfect Way to go Mike!!



Arun Sasi

Re: SAVE_AREA not Woking




I have performed all the settings what you suggested even though in Analyzer i could not see the option for modify/changed records.


But in RSRT t-code..TRANSFER VALUES and SAVE buttons are appeared but layout is not allowed to enter the values




Re: Travel Management Issues




1) An employee takes travel advance in TRIP and it is posted to FI


Amout advance will be updated automatically in travel expense request, if you maintained the same in travel request.


2) I had created expense types but all are not reflecting in Travel expense request when I am trying to choose


Maitain this table V_T706S_RECEIPT

Re: change internal table of type index table ?


The problem with your solution is that the ASSIGN COMPONENT is quite slow so it can (and I've experienced it) cause performance issues in a loop through a large table. Here are two faster methods:


DATA: BEGIN OF mystruc,

        text TYPE ...,

      END OF mystruc.




  MOVE-CORRESPONDING <line> TO mystruc.

      ...process mystruc-text.

  MOVE-CORRESPONDING mystruc TO <line>.








               <text_field> TYPE ANY.

ASSIGN ref->* TO <line>.

ASSIGN COMPONENT text OF STRUCTURE <line> TO <text_field>.

LOOP AT itab INTO <line>.

   ....process <text_field>.

  MODIFY itab.



Both work for all table types, so long as you don't try to modify a key field. If you do modify a key field, you have to do a little more work. I prefer the first approach, as it makes debugging easier - I also think it's clearer.

Re: Setup table filling not fetching all data


Hi Srinu,


While filling to setup table I have given only posting date and I felt it was not fetching for the range specified instead it was working for very small range of posting date.


In RSA3 I provided material number to check what i assumed on all records not getting fetched or not. And on ckehing it had not fetched.




Re: Adjust remaining useful life


Hi Lynn,


System will update useful life in the asset master automatically, if you maintain useful life in the asset class in OAYZ.




Re: Plant to depot and return from depot to plant


Hi Sarang,


I am very sorry for replying you late because I was busy for the last few days.Anyway coming to your issue -


First of all for having the RG23D register print you need to do development,ask your abap ers give them the table and field name and logic.If you face any problem pls update me.


Secondly you said that you have WM integrated with your system so I am requesting you can you please tell me what exact issue you face while doing your procress by transaction.





not abel to print Sample Drawing Instruction label from QA03


Hi Experts,


Iam notabel to print Sample drawing instructions label for purchase order Batch.


I have tried in QA03 by providing inspection lot: menu extras -->print--> Sample drawing instructions and recived successfull message that will be printed after exiting the transiction but no print from the printer.

and Iam abel to print inspection instructions for the same.

This is only releated to the particular material Batch and I am able to print Sample drawing instructions  for other Material batches.


Please help me to resolve the issue in printing Sample drawing instructions. What need to be checked?


Thanks in Advance

Re: Batch job Time zone for day light savings.

Re: Batch Determination VS production order and availability check


Hello Hossam,


Yes when you activate Incl.depen.reservat then system will consider reservations and do the ATP check for available quantity.


Best Regards,


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